Poem: You Can Call Me Cocky

I am not extraordinary
Ordinary should never be found
In the summarization of my deity
Even if it is carried by an ‘extra’
Because ‘extra’ don’t quite cut it
Extra, implies that I am ordinary
With a little bit more flavour
And I am nothing like that
What I am, is that flavour in flesh
I am a jar of salt masked by skin and hair
I am the extra the world seeks for it’s ordinary.

Continue reading “Poem: You Can Call Me Cocky”

Distance Is A Female Dog. And Other Stories.

Been a while, I know. I’ve been busy and I don’t say that lightly. I’ve had to read a lot of medical jargons (well, not really jargons but you get it, right? No? Okay) in the past week, since my school is on strike and the lecturers promised to bombard us with exam-like tests once we resume and trust me, they are not kidding, they’ve done it before.
Continue reading “Distance Is A Female Dog. And Other Stories.”

Random: 02

Err… And so what if you’re just an option to someone? Why is that so bad? Do you really want to be everyone’s priority? Don’t you do the the same thing to others? Don’t you call a random friend sometimes when you’re bored? Does that mean you’re making them an option? People will just write down the first thing that pops up in their head and just because the font is pretty and the colours are lovely, it is worth putting up as a profile photo. So now, I can’t text you sweetly again for the simple reason that I am bored. And why does that mean I don’t like you? Can’t we be bored together? Ain’t that love?


How Single are we?

The world has evolved from the nagging longing for coupling to the celebration of singleness, and some people will call that (for lack of much thought in my opinion) development. I think it’s a dream. To understand why I think so we’ll need to re-examine our idea of singleness.
Continue reading “How Single are we?”